NJ’s new Ignition Interlock legislation passes the Assembly & Senate!

January 11, 2010

Good news for New Jersey drivers! This evening, Ricci's Law has passed both the Assembly and the Senate with flying colors. Ricci's law is New Jersey's new Ignition Interlock law. For those of you who do not know, an ignition interlock device prevents intoxicated drivers from starting a vehicle's ignition if their blood alcohol content (BAC) is above a certain level. It is expected that Governor Corzine will enact Ricci's Law before he leaves office this month.

Currently, ignition interlock is part of New Jersey's DWI law. Unfortunately for the past few years, NJ's ignition interlock law was optional and it was up to local Municipal Court judges to apply the law when sentencing DWI offenders. Most NJ Municipal Court judges did not order ignition interlock on DWI offender's vehicles.

Ricci's Law will now make ignition interlock mandatory on most DWI offender's vehicles, including 1st offenders with a BAC above 0.15%. States across the country are enacting mandatory ignition interlock laws for all DUI/DWI offenders. The federal government will soon be passing legislation that will require every state to pass ignition interlock laws for all DUI/DWI offenders' vehicles. Each state that does not comply with the soon to be enacted federal law will lose millions of dollars of federal highway money each year. No state can afford this! In 2009, Pennsylvania legislators introduced 9 ignition interlock bills.

What do you think about ignition interlocks? Do you approve of the use of ignition interlocks on all DUI/DWI offenders' vehicles or is it just another addition to the harsh penalties associated with drunk driving?

I believe it's a lifesaving technology and any legislature that does not utilize this lifesaving technology is reckless with public safety.


Anonymous,  January 13, 2010 at 12:24 PM  

I agree that it is a public saftey issue, ... and that it is a great thing.

I have argued many times on Lawrence Taylors Website, california dui attorney, . the DUI INTERLOCK SYSTEM on cars is a great thing.

The reasion I have argued this is because it locks the State in place.

I think it should be standard on all vehicles. Standard equpiment installed on all newly manufactured vehicles, ... with the State agreeing that if the car was started with this driver, with an interlock, trhere is zero possibility of a dui alcoholk, arrest unless alcohol is found in the vehicle.

It locks the State in. The State is saying this technoly works, it basically fool proof, and sytops drunk drivers from driving.

It is beautiful. It can eliminate DUI.

I am suprised to hear a defense attorney support it. Their livings are made on defending DUI.

If the State is stipulating that is is precise and accurate, .... it eliminate alcohol dui arrests, unless alcohol is found in the vehicle.

My argument goes to defense, but not necesarily to dui lawyers.

I am suprised you support it Mr. Saile.

Congratulation to you for seeing the way to save lives, and livlihoods.

thank you.


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