Can you get into the Bucks County DUI-ARD program if you have been involved in a Bucks County Car Accident?
May 11, 2010
There are a few state-wide exclusions for the Pennsylvania first offender's program for DUI (otherwise known as the ARD Program). Being involved in a Pennsylvania car accident is not one of the state-wide exclusions. Pennsylvania law allows each county's district attorney's office to run their county's DUI ARD Program. The Bucks County District attorney's ARD program is known to be one of the tougher Pennsylvania ARD-DUI Programs to gain admittance. Bucks County has its own ARD Program rules for DUI cases. Bucks County had a longstanding policy not to allow DUI defendants admittance to its ARD-DUI Program if the DUI defendant was involved in a Bucks County car accident. Even if the Bucks County DUI defendant did not cause the car accident, the DUI defendant would be prevented from the ARD Program. In the past few years, we at Saile & Saile LLP have been successful in obtaining admittance of our clients into the Bucks County ARD Program when they have been involved in a car accident in Bucks County. These clients have been individuals who have been arrested for DUI in Bucks County and who have not caused the Bucks County car accident. Recently there has been a new District Attorney elected in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. The new Bucks County D.A. has made a few improvements to Bucks County criminal procedure. Perhaps the new Bucks County D.A. will allow more Bucks County DUI defendants into the Bucks County DUI-ARD program? There are many Bucks County car accidents caused by people arrested for DUI that involve no personal injuries. These accidents often involve only minimal property damage. These Bucks County DUI defendants should be admitted to the Bucks County DUI-ARD program. What do you think? If you have been involved in a Bucks County DUI, do not wait and jeopardize your rights, contact us for an aggressive and experienced DUI defense and guidance.
Sure, why not. No accident, little or no property damage, .. no injury,...... why not.
I'm not sure what happens with ARD.,,,,, but obviously it is better than pleading guilty?
I wish that all vehicles in the US were equipped with an alcohol ingnition interlock device, .....that wopuld eliminate 95% of all instances of people driving impared, whether they are caught or not.
I think, based on the amount of cases of DUI in PAENNSLYVANIA, .. WHAT WAS THE NUMBER, 37,000 of something last year, ....
That the tax payers would wind up saving more money with alcohol interlockj ignitions, then they will make on prosecuting 37,000 duis a year.
not to mention the velimination of road blocks for dui check points, ... special police training, ...... all kinds of things, hundreds of things, tax payers could save on.
to me it makes the most sense,...... both economicly and morally, and logisticaly, legally.
Anyone who has a DUI who has caused a car accident even if they just totalled their own car and no other cars were involved should not be permitted into the ARD program.
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