Michael L. Saile, Jr. is quoted in major Bucks County newspaper DUI article

May 17, 2010

This past Sunday, the Bucks County Courier Times ran a series of front section, and even a front page articles written by Ben Finley about DUI arrests in Bucks County, PA. The first (front page) article titled "Drivers take to the roads drunk" stated that DUI is the most charged crime in Bucks County and that Pennsylvania had a record number of DUI arrests last year.

One of Michael L. Saile Jr.'s DUI clients, "a 22-year old", was interviewed by reporter, Ben Finley, about his experience with the DUI process in Bucks County, PA. Mr. Saile was quoted several times along with Assistant District Attorney, Robert Salzer, Newtown Township police officer, Tim Keegan, and toxicologist, Gary Lange. You can link to the article here: Bucks County Courier Times.

In the second article titled "Tips for staying sober behind the wheel", Mr. Saile gives some tips on how to drink responsibility without reaching the "under the influence" point. It is very hard to predict or measure a person's blood alcohol content (BAC). Even the most sophisticated testing process yield error.

Some of Mr. Saile's tips include: eating a full meal before drinking alcohol, counting your alcoholic drinks, keeping track of the amount of alcohol the bartender is pouring in your drinks, alternating water between alcohol drinks, and have no shots or martinis if you are driving. You can find the second article here: Bucks County Courier Times.

If you are charged with DUI in Bucks County, hire an experienced and knowledgeable DUI lawyer. Contact us to set up a free DUI case consultation and provide us with your DUI arrest information here: case submission form.


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